The Challenge

Turn a personal story into a brand story that transforms a hobby into a business


Brand Story

Brand Story - Professional Service

Land a great job, faster

Job hunting is not pretty

Many people experience job hunting the same way I did when I landed in Amsterdam back in 2012. It’s a continuous confidence-draining process of searching for opportunities, going out to meet new people, grinding away at LinkedIn, and applying for many job vacancies online. And all of it to receive the same automated response over and over again: “Dear Mister Alvaro de Salvo, thank you for considering working here. Unfortunately...”

Natural go-to-person for reflection talks

I’ve worked with over 100 colleagues, had over 500 clients, mentored 15 interns, and had dozens of staff report to me, directly or indirectly, throughout my professional career. Along the way, I must have also looked from the hiring perspective to thousands of resumes. And if I had the chance to go over each one of them again, I could now tell you why each one of them failed.

Mindset and tools make the difference

After applying to over 100 jobs over the course of 3 months, I realized I was doing it all wrong. I had a choice, to continue blindly applying in frustration, or I take a deep breath and learn from my mistakes. I chose the latter, fastened my seatbelt, and went on a trial and error emotional rollercoaster. And to my surprise, I unveiled a method that, with the right tools, changed my luck and helped me land the jobs I had my heart set on.

Take the guesswork out of landing a great job!

My colleagues and friends started seeing me as the go-to person for reflection talks and help for storyboarding resumes and cover letters. I enjoyed these talks so much that I decided to make a shift in my career. Forward to today, and you'll find me making a living out of helping others find a job they love and giving them the tools to land it.

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“It's challenging to read the label when you are the one inside the bottle. I hired Tortuga to help clarify and solidify the brand strategy for Mr. Cover Letter. The objective was to anchor a solid verbal and visual identity, the market positioning, and challenge its angel business approach. Maja and Ángel came as a gift from heaven. They are mega professionals, and above all, super generous, fun, and inspiring to work with. They thought along as partners, caught my blindspots, challenged me, and provided incredible value from the first minute. Their consulting proved to be what I needed to bring Mr. Cover Letter to the next level!"

Alvaro de Salvo
Mr. Cover Letter